
  • CandleChartDataEntry 蜡烛图 数据条目
  • CandleChartDataSet 蜡烛图集合
  • CandleChartData 蜡烛图数据


public class CandleChartDataEntry: ChartDataEntry
    /// shadow-high value
    // 最高值
    public var high = Double(0.0)
    /// shadow-low value
    // 最低值
    public var low = Double(0.0)
    /// close value
    // 收盘值
    public var close = Double(0.0)
    /// open value
    // 开盘值
    public var open = Double(0.0)
    public init(xIndex: Int, shadowH: Double, shadowL: Double, open: Double, close: Double)
        super.init(value: (shadowH + shadowL) / 2.0, xIndex: xIndex)
        self.high = shadowH
        self.low = shadowL
        self.open = open
        self.close = close
    public init(xIndex: Int, shadowH: Double, shadowL: Double, open: Double, close: Double, data: AnyObject?)
        super.init(value: (shadowH + shadowL) / 2.0, xIndex: xIndex, data: data)
        self.high = shadowH
        self.low = shadowL
        self.open = open
        self.close = close
    /// Returns the overall range (difference) between shadow-high and shadow-low.
    // 最高值和最低值差值
    public var shadowRange: Double
        return abs(high - low)
    /// Returns the body size (difference between open and close).
    // 开盘与收盘值 之差
    public var bodyRange: Double
        return abs(open - close)
    /// the center value of the candle. (Middle value between high and low)
    // 高低盘中心
    public override var value: Double
            return super.value
            super.value = (high + low) / 2.0
    // MARK: NSCopying
    public override func copyWithZone(zone: NSZone) -> AnyObject
        var copy = super.copyWithZone(zone) as! CandleChartDataEntry
        copy.high = high
        copy.high = low
        copy.high = open
        copy.high = close
        return copy


public class CandleChartDataSet: LineScatterCandleChartDataSet
    /// the width of the candle-shadow-line in pixels.
    /// :default: 3.0
    // 高低盘值的宽度
    public var shadowWidth = CGFloat(1.5)
    /// the space between the candle entries
    /// :default: 0.1 (10%)
    // 两个条目之间的距离
    private var _bodySpace = CGFloat(0.1)
    /// the color of the shadow line
    /// 阴影颜色
    public var shadowColor: UIColor?
    /// use candle color for the shadow
    // 是否使用 蜡烛图的颜色作为阴影颜色
    public var shadowColorSameAsCandle = false
    /// color for open <= close
    // 跌盘的颜色
    public var decreasingColor: UIColor?
    /// color for open > close
    // 涨盘的颜色
    public var increasingColor: UIColor?
    /// Are decreasing values drawn as filled?
    // 跌盘是否填充
    public var decreasingFilled = false
    /// Are increasing values drawn as filled?
    // 涨盘是否填充
    public var increasingFilled = true
    public override init(yVals: [ChartDataEntry]?, label: String?)
        super.init(yVals: yVals, label: label)
    internal override func calcMinMax(#start: Int, end: Int)
        if (yVals.count == 0)
        var entries = yVals as! [CandleChartDataEntry]
        var endValue : Int
        if end == 0
            endValue = entries.count - 1
            endValue = end
        _lastStart = start
        _lastEnd = end
        _yMin = entries[start].low
        _yMax = entries[start].high
        for (var i = start + 1; i <= endValue; i++)
            var e = entries[i]
            if (e.low < _yMin)
                _yMin = e.low
            if (e.high > _yMax)
                _yMax = e.high
    /// the space that is left out on the left and right side of each candle,
    /// :default: 0.1 (10%), max 0.45, min 0.0
    public var bodySpace: CGFloat
            _bodySpace = newValue
            if (_bodySpace < 0.0)
                _bodySpace = 0.0
            if (_bodySpace > 0.45)
                _bodySpace = 0.45
            return _bodySpace
    /// Is the shadow color same as the candle color?
    public var isShadowColorSameAsCandle: Bool { return shadowColorSameAsCandle }
    /// Are increasing values drawn as filled?
    public var isIncreasingFilled: Bool { return increasingFilled; }
    /// Are decreasing values drawn as filled?
    public var isDecreasingFilled: Bool { return decreasingFilled; }


public class CandleChartData: BarLineScatterCandleChartData
    public override init()
    public override init(xVals: [String?]?, dataSets: [ChartDataSet]?)
        super.init(xVals: xVals, dataSets: dataSets)
    public override init(xVals: [NSObject]?, dataSets: [ChartDataSet]?)
        super.init(xVals: xVals, dataSets: dataSets)