That’s a wrap! 收工

Things should be starting to make sense by now. I’ve thrown you into the deep end by writing an entire app from scratch, and we’ve touched on a number of advanced topics already, but hopefully you were able to follow along quite well with what I’m doing. Kudos for sticking with it until the end!


It’s OK if you’re still a bit fuzzy on the details. Sleep on it for a bit and keep tinkering with the code. Programming requires its own way of thinking and you won’t learn that overnight. Don’t be afraid to do this tutorial again from the start – it will make more sense the second time around!


This lesson focused mainly on UIKit and its most important controls and patterns. In the next lesson we’ll take a few steps back to talk more about the Swift language itself and of course you’ll build another cool app.


Here is the final storyboard for Checklists:



I had trouble fitting that on my screen!


Take a well-deserved break, and when you’re ready continue on to the next tutorial, where you’ll make an app that knows its place! !


Haven’t had enough yet? Here are some challenges to sink your teeth into:


Exercise: Put the due date in a label on the table view cells under the text of the to-do item.


Exercise: Sort the to-do items list based on the due date. This is similar to what you did with the list of Checklists except that now you’re sorting ChecklistItem objects and you’ll be comparing NSDate objects instead of strings. (NSDate does not have a localizedStandardCompare method but it does have a regular compare).
